A unit of signalling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal events per second. 信号传输速度的一种单位,等于每秒内离散状态或信号事件的数量。
Assuming equal thicknesses, a glass cover will provide double the signal strength compared to an acrylic cover. 假设相等的厚度,玻璃覆盖物的信号强度是压克力的两倍。
Based on the linearized equal area criterion and small signal analysis, the Principle and techniques of Energy Storage System ( ESS) Damping Power System Oscillations are proposed in this paper. 基于线性化等面积法则和小干扰分析方法,提出储能系统抑制电力系统低频振荡的原理和方法。
T1WI images showed low signal in3 cases and equal signal in14 cases. 其中T1WI图像低信号的患者3例,T1WI图像等信号的患者14例。
During recovery stage and chronic stage, the lesions on DWI change to equal or complex signal, partly cyst signal. 恢复期及慢性期,DWI影像学逐渐改变变成等信号、杂信号,部分为囊性信号,且不易显示病灶。
The ER attains optimal value when the pump wavelength is equal to the small signal gain peak wavelength. 随着抽运波长的变化,消光比有一个对应于峰值增益波长的最佳抽运波长;
Results In 29 cases of peripheral hemangiomas, 20 cases showed equal signal intensity ( equal to muscle) and 9 cases showed heterogeneous signal intensity on T1-weighted images; 结果29例血管瘤中,在T1WI上,20例为等信号(等于肌肉信号),9例为高等混杂信号;
At a repetition rate nearly equal to the carrier frequency of the reticle system, the jamming source will disturb the target's signal received by the seeker, and make the seeker lose the target. 而重复频率近似等于调制盘系统调制波形载频的光脉冲会干扰导引头接收到的目标信号,使导引头失去目标。
It is proved that the expected value of a quantized signal value is equal to its corresponding signal value by this means provided some conditions of the noise being added in is satisfied. 证明了该方法在所加噪声满足一定条件时,其量化信号的数学期望等于相应的量化输入值。
This algorithm uses the statistics of the received signal, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigen value of the auto covariance matrix of the received signal is approximately equal to the steering vector of the target signal source. 该算法使用的是接收信号的统计数据,根据接收信号自协方差矩阵最大特征值的特征向量去近似等于目标信号的控制向量。
Results: The MRI manifestations of viral encephalitis showed the viral encephalitis had relatively low or equal signal on T1-weighted images and relatively high signal on T2-weighted images, high signal intensity on FLAIR sequences. 结果:MRI主要表现为T1WI呈稍低或等信号,T2WI呈稍高异常信号,FLAIR序列呈明显高信号。
Spinal MRI had shown spinal cord thinning, line-like equal signal was found in the periphery of the lesion. 脊髓MRI示脊髓变细,周边见线条状等信号;
The pineal region germinoma demonstrated equal T1 and long or equal T2 signal on MRI, and had evident and homogeneous enhancement. 松果体区生殖细胞瘤为等T1,等或稍长T2信号,均匀、明显强化;
The circuit and method for obtaining equal measuring accuracy and response speed in a wider frequency signal range are discussed in this paper. 本文探求在较大的被测频率信号范围内获得相同的测量精度与响应速度的测量方法及电路。
Stage ⅱ displayed the irregular shape low or equal or high signal on T1 weighted and GRL image in 23 places. Ⅱ期23个,为T1WI及长TE梯度回波(GRL)序列不规则形低、等、高信号;
The assumption of equal signal and pump attenuation coefficients is no longer required, while the iteration step-size can be significantly enlarged even under saturated amplification. 该算法不用假设抽运光和信号光衰减系数相同,且可大大增加饱和放大状态下的迭代步长。
Conclusion when the scanning step was set to equal to the Z-direction resolution, an optimal 3-D reconstruction could be made from the resultant serial optical sections with high-resolution and intact signal. 结论以Z轴分辨率为扫描步距进行光学断层和重建,可获得分辨率、信息完整性和信息不重叠性达最佳三维重建效果。
MRI showed low signal intensity of the calcification or ossification in osteoblastoma on T_2WI, and low or equal signal intensity on T_1WI. 肿瘤内钙化或骨化T2WI为低信号,T1WI上为等或低信号;
It is proved that the coefficients in condition of minimal error energy are equal to the coefficients with minimal error of the average square when signal is expressed by linear combination of orthogonal functions. 证明了若将信号用正交函数的线性组合表示,在误差能量为最小条件的条件下,其系数与通常的按均方误差最小所得的结果一致。
Variation of seismic data minus variance of noise is equal to variance of useful signal, then threshold is computed, using soft threshold value processing method for noise-elimination; 2利用地震记录的方差减去噪声的方差得到有效信号的方差,从而求出阈值,并采用软阈值处理方法进行去噪;
On MR T1WI, equal signal were 12 cases, others were equal and low signal; MRI检查T1WI显示病灶呈等信号12例,等低混杂信号2例;
Acceleration signal and gap signal are sampled at equal space intervals controlled by velocity signal, and a linear phase IIR variable filter is designed to extract long wave components from the measured signal. 由速度信号控制加速度信号和间隙信号的等空间间隔采样;并且设计了线性相位IIR移变滤波器来实现对长波不平顺成分的提取。
MRI showed low or equal signal areas in T 1W 1, and high ones in T 2W 1. Brain edema was note without necrosis, cyst, and bleeding. 病灶在T1W1均呈低或等信号,在T2W1上呈高信号。
Through numerical analysis, it is proved that there is an optimum relative bandwidth of this bandpass filter which maximizes the SNR before detection and which is not equal to the bandwidth of the signal. 研究结果表明,接收端带通滤波器存在最优相对带宽使得检波前信噪比最大,并且最优带宽不等于信号带宽;
The MRI findings of small acoustic neuroma were: The ⅶ、ⅷ nerves cords nodular widening locally, with equal or slightly low signal intensity on T1WI; MRI表现为:(1)T1WI示病例第Ⅶ、Ⅷ神经束局部结节状增粗,呈等或稍低信号;
So the frequency domain equal energy wave door method with frequency modulated continuous triangular wave system signal is designed for estimating the distance along the axes and the radial velocity through two range wave doors scanning the main valve area of the echo while sliding. 故设计采用调频连续三角波体制信号,通过两个距离波门对主瓣回波区进行滑动扫描的频域等能量波门法估计轴心距离和径向速度。
The best characteristic of this algorithm is that when the relation between the number of sensors and of sources is unknown ( either greater than or smaller than or equal to), the mixture matrix is got by the ratio of observation signal PSD. 该算法最大的特点在于,当传感器数与源数关系不明确情况下(或大于、或小于、或等于),根据观测信号的功率谱密度函数的比值,得到混合矩阵。
Compared with other algorithms of ECG data compression when the compression ratios are equal, the distortion of the ECG signal reconstructed with this algorithm is much smaller. 因此,在压缩比相同的条件下,和其它心电数据压缩算法相比,该压缩算法的重构信号失真更小。
The existing algorithms request the number of signal sources to be equal or to be smaller than the number of array elements generally, and hope that the number of signal sources is known, but in fact the latter is very difficult to achieve. 现有的许多算法一般都要求信号源数目等于或者小于阵元数目,且认为目标信号数目是已知的,但实际上后者是很难做到的。